Field Research

My heart is filled with the memories of two profound field research experiences - one in Malawi in 2022, and the other in Ethiopia in 2020. As I delved into the realities of these communities, I witnessed firsthand the severity of the lack of clean drinking water. I felt the anguish of those forced to drink from a dirty pond, the disappointment and desperation of those who walked for miles only to find their water point broken. But I also felt the overwhelming joy of those whose water points flowed once again. I felt the selflessness and determination of the local NGOs working tirelessly to improve water access. I felt the optimism and hopefulness that permeated the NGO staff and local communities.

Each field research did not just bring me with valuable connections, rare data, or numerous research ideas, but highlighted the real human dimension of the problem.

Most importantly, each field research made me humble, have a greater appreciation for what I had taken for granted, and more determined to conduct research that can impact people's lives. 

I have also written an article for charity: water, A Hope that Lasts, to document my journey and why I am interested in doing research in humanitarain operations management. 

As I share these photos from the field research with you, I hope they serve as a reminder of the power of human kindness and resilience. If you would like to learn more, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Field Research in Malawi, June 2022.

Field Research in Ethiopia, January 2020.